Monday, June 10, 2013


This past weekend we installed most of our windows. Overall this was a very simple, enjoyable process. The window flashing was obnoxious in the hot June sun and one window frame was mis-measured but thus far these have been the only issues. We were very thankful for the help from dad and Jenner and for the Sawsall that was leant to us by Jenner's dad. Only 2 more windows to go!

window materials

Measuring, cutting and caulking station.
 It was important to keep the window flashing in the shade until we were ready to put it up as the tar became extremely tacky.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

House Wrap done

Ben and I are now just over 2 months into our building project and we have just gotten the house wrapped and the roofing underlayment put down. This means NO MORE TARP!!!! Though I'm pretty sure the rainy season is behind us, I am still grateful that when it does rain again we will not be hauling the blue and green monstrosity up and over our home. For the next couple of weekends we will be focusing in on roofing, windows, and doors. The following are some pictures from last weekend.
Unfortunately, we had to take down the fascia boards as our house was verging on being too wide.

Window wrap cut (upside-down martini glass)