Sunday, March 31, 2013

Walls 3 and 4

Last day of our (house)work week.

Cutting out a window.

He does that so well

On to the final wall

We have spent 8 solid days working on our house. We've gotten the subfloor in, insulated, and sheathed. We've gotten 3 walls up and the frame of the fourth ready to go up. We're bruised, scratched, and sunburned. Many thanks to Everett and Alyssa for helping on wall 2, Jenner for helping us build even after long days at work, Kathy for helping us insulate and photographing the progress, dad for coming out most days, and Leon who only stopped working when he went to the beach.

Walls 2 and 3

Sheathing wall 2.

Alyssa caulking wall 2.


You should drill right there

On to wall 3

Bracing the boards.

Friday, March 29, 2013

2nd Wall Construction

We hit a couple glitches in building the second wall (and my energy is running low) so we did not complete this one. Half the plywood is on and the rest will go up tomorrow and then we will raise the wall.

The First Wall Goes Up

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Wednesday, March 27th - Its Starting to Look Like Something
       Our day started by taping the gaps between the subfloor frame and filling with Great Stuff.

We spread and fluffed the wool insulation.

Then the subfloor top was cut and attached to the frame.

Tomorrow we begin work on the walls.

Tuesday, March 26th - It's Good Enough
      Today we flipped the subfloor into the frame. In anticipation we raised the frame and placed 2X4's under it.

We then attached ropes.

With the combined efforts of dad, Leon, Jenner, and Ben (I tried to help but I never bore any of the weight) the frame was safely lowered into the trailer.

Next a sledge-hammer finished the job.

Bolted the frame to the trailer.

Called it a day and drank a little beer.

Monday, March 25th - I'm Not Hating This
     Today we pieced together our subfloor frame. The wood was pretty wet and therefore quite heavy.

Despite the weight, Ben, his dad (Leon), my dad, and I lugged the frame to the trailer and hoisted it on. From there we caulked and screwed on the subfloor base and attached the flashing. We hit a high of four trips to the home-improvement stores!